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Domiciliary Care – Who is it for?

Our deep concern for patients.

Navigating the landscape of domiciliary care in the UK can be complex, but understanding this crucial service is the first step towards securing the right support for yourself or a loved one. Domiciliary care, often referred to as home care, is designed to help people who need assistance to continue living in their own homes comfortably and safely. This blog post aims to demystify domiciliary care in the UK, covering what it is, who it’s for, how it’s funded, and how to access it.

What is Domiciliary Care?

Domiciliary care encompasses a range of services provided in the individual’s home, tailored to their specific needs. It can include help with daily activities such as washing, dressing, meal preparation, and medication management, as well as more complex care needs arising from disabilities, long-term health conditions, or after a hospital stay. The goal is to support individuals to maintain their independence and quality of life at home.

Who Can Benefit from Domiciliary Care?

Domiciliary care is not limited to a specific demographic. It benefits a wide range of individuals, including:

  • Elderly people who need assistance with daily tasks or companionship.
  • Individuals with physical disabilities requiring support to live independently.
  • People with chronic conditions or terminal illnesses needing specialist care.
  • Those recovering from surgery or hospital stays requiring temporary support at home.

How is Domiciliary Care Funded in the UK?

Funding for domiciliary care can come from various sources, depending on individual circumstances:

  • Self-funding: Individuals who do not qualify for state support may need to cover the cost of their care privately.
  • Local Authority Funding: Those with assessed care needs and who meet financial criteria may be eligible for funding from their local council. An assessment will determine how much support you’re entitled to.
  • NHS Continuing Healthcare: In some cases, individuals with complex health needs may qualify for NHS funding covering the full cost of their care at home.
  • Direct Payments: Eligible individuals can receive direct payments from their local authority to arrange and pay for their own care services, offering more control over the care received.

Choosing a Domiciliary Care Provider

When selecting a domiciliary care provider, consider the following:

  • Reputation: Look for providers with positive reviews and testimonials from current and former clients.
  • Regulation: Ensure the provider is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England, the Care Inspectorate in Scotland, the Care Inspectorate Wales, or the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) in Northern Ireland and check their latest inspection report. Brand Healthcare Services is registered with the CQC to provide Personal Care and Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
  • Services Offered: Confirm that the provider offers the specific services you need and can tailor their care to meet any changing requirements.
  • Staff: Inquire about the recruitment, training, and vetting process for their caregivers. It’s important that staff are qualified and compassionate.


Domiciliary care offers a lifeline for many, enabling them to live independently at home while receiving the care and support they need. Understanding the available services, funding options, and how to access care is crucial for making informed decisions about your or your loved one’s care. By carefully choosing the right care provider, you can ensure that the domiciliary care received is of the highest standard, tailored to individual needs, and delivered with dignity and respect. Navigating the options and managing care needs can be challenging, but resources are available to help. Organisations such as Age UK, the NHS, and local social services can provide valuable information and support throughout the process.

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