Brand Health Care

Welcome to Brand HealthCare Services.

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(+44) 208-935-5105


Our Office Location:

CEME Innovation Centre, Marsh Way, Rainham, RM13 8EU

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Secure your appointment to begin receiving personalized care and support from our trained team.

Learning Disabilities

We aim to prioritise everyone.

Care Services

Have Question ?

Our client care managers are on call 24/7 to answer your questions

Learning Disabilities

Learning disability care can greatly improve the quality of life of patients suffering from mild, moderate or even severe forms of learning disabilities and related conditions like autism and sensory processing disorder.
At Brand healthcare, we understand that every patient’s needs are different, and that each patient requires a unique care package to ensure the best possible quality of life. Our highly skilled, specialist learning disability care team understand the challenges that these people face, and we can provide the care and support they need to lead a dignified, independent life.
We are offer specialist support for conditions such as autism, Asperger’s syndrome, challenging behaviours, communication difficulties, sensory impairment and more complex mental health needs. We can help by:

Learning Disabilities

Learning disability care can greatly improve the quality of life of patients suffering from mild, moderate or even severe forms of learning disabilities and related conditions like autism and sensory processing disorder.
At Brand healthcare, we understand that every patient’s needs are different, and that each patient requires a unique care package to ensure the best possible quality of life. Our highly skilled, specialist learning disability care team understand the challenges that these people face, and we can provide the care and support they need to lead a dignified, independent life.
We are offer specialist support for conditions such as autism, Asperger’s syndrome, challenging behaviours, communication difficulties, sensory impairment and more complex mental health needs. We can help by:

Care Services

Have Question ?

Our client care managers are on call 24/7 to answer your questions
If you would like to explore the learning disability care options we offer, please call for an initial assessment on 0208 935 5105.

Get in touch with us

Complete our call-back form or contact us directly to discover how we can assist you.


We will visit your location to determine the specific needs of you or your loved one in order to support independent living at home.

Care team chosen & care starts

You will receive care from our specifically trained team, tailored to support you in staying at home for an extended duration.

Book an appoinment

Secure your appointment to begin receiving personalized care and support from our trained team.