Brand Health Care

Welcome to Brand HealthCare Services.

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(+44) 208-935-5105


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CEME Innovation Centre, Marsh Way, Rainham, RM13 8EU

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Live-in Care

24-hour support, assistance, and company in your own home

Our Live-In Care Services

At Brand Healthcare, we believe in promoting independence, dignity, and comfort for those who require continuous care. Our Live-In Care Services are designed to offer a compassionate and comprehensive solution for individuals and families seeking an alternative to residential care facilities. With our live-in care, clients receive personalised support in the familiar surroundings of their own homes, ensuring they lead fulfilling lives despite their care needs.

What Is Live-In Care?

Live-in care involves a professional caregiver residing in the client’s home to provide round-the-clock support and assistance. This service is tailored for individuals who need ongoing help with daily activities, medical care, or simply companionship to navigate the challenges of ageing, recovery, or chronic conditions. Our caregivers are committed to creating a safe, nurturing environment, enabling our clients to enjoy the highest quality of life possible.

Our Live-In Care Services :

Personalised Support: From assistance with personal hygiene and medication management to help with mobility and daily tasks, our caregivers are trained to meet a wide range of needs, respecting the preferences and routines of each client.

Companionship: Beyond physical care, our live-in caregivers provide invaluable companionship, engaging clients in conversation, activities, and social outings, fostering emotional well-being.

Nutritional Support: Our caregivers assist with meal planning and preparation, ensuring clients receive nutritious meals tailored to their dietary needs and preferences.

Medication Management: Caregivers ensure medications are taken correctly and on time, providing peace of mind for clients and their families.

Household Management: Light housekeeping, laundry, and maintaining an organized living space are all part of our comprehensive live-in care, creating a pleasant and safe environment.

Coordination of Care: Our caregivers work closely with healthcare providers, therapists, and families to ensure a cohesive approach to the client’s health and well-being.

Emergency Response: Having a caregiver on-site at all times means immediate help is available in case of an emergency, providing an added layer of safety and reassurance.

The Benefits of Choosing Live-In Care

Continuous Personalised Care:  Our live-in care ensures clients receive attention and support tailored to their specific needs around the clock.

Stay in Your Own Home: Live-in care allows individuals to remain in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes, preserving their independence and connection to the community and memories.

Peace of Mind for Families: Knowing a loved one is in caring, capable hands 24/7 provides families with unparalleled peace of mind.

Cost-Effective Alternative: For many, live-in care is a more affordable and preferable alternative to residential care facilities, especially for couples or those with a strong attachment to their homes.

Why Choose Brand Healthcare?

Brand Healthcare is committed to excellence in live-in care. We meticulously select our caregivers based on their expertise, compassion, and commitment to making a difference in the lives of those they care for. Our personalised matching process ensures clients and caregivers are perfectly aligned in terms of needs, personalities, and interests, fostering meaningful and lasting relationships.

Choosing live-in care means choosing a life of dignity, comfort, and independence for yourself or your loved one. At Brand Healthcare, we’re here to support you every step of the way with compassionate, professional care that meets the highest standards. Contact us today to learn more about our Live-In Care Services and how we can help you maintain the lifestyle you cherish, in the home you love

Getting Started with Live-In Care

Starting with our live-in care services is a thoughtful and straightforward process:

  1. Initial Consultation: Reach out to us for a comprehensive assessment of your or your loved one’s care needs.
  2. Personalised Care Plan: Together, we’ll develop a customised care plan that addresses all aspects of required support.
  3. Caregiver Matching: We’ll introduce you to a carefully selected caregiver who best matches the client’s personality, needs, and preferences.
  4. Ongoing Support: Our dedicated team remains involved and available to adjust care plans as needs evolve, ensuring the highest level of care and satisfaction.

How to find the right care for you or your relative

Get in touch with us

Complete our call-back form or contact us directly to discover how we can assist you.


We will visit your location to determine the specific needs of you or your loved one in order to support independent living at home.

Care team chosen & care starts

You will receive care from our specifically trained team, tailored to support you in staying at home for an extended duration.

Book an appoinment

Secure your appointment to begin receiving personalized care and support from our trained team.